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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Reflecting Me... One Posting Later

Yeah! I survived another unit and am ready to plow onto the second posting. the more I plow on the more i learn about myself. This unit i learned above all that not everything goes your way. There will be projects that you just don't get in on time, projects that just don't turn out the way you want them to. You just have to get over it, move on, and live with it. There's always tommorow, there's always another project.

This unit I also learned how to work with people who are used to doing a totally different thing than you are. Before now I had usually worked with people who liked/didn't mind/ already did things, in a way that was very similar to mine. This was a big change it meant trying a lot of things in new ways and I think I might not have always handled things that well. Amazingly enough though teamwork might be somethign I'm getting good at. Definetly not a strength but something I'm half decent at.

My favorite project this term was probaly our very first one, the individual logo. I liked doing the individual logo because it forced me to reflect on who I was, what was important to me and how that affected the rest of the world. It was challenging because like most of the assigments we didn't get exact instrucions. We had the idea or the outline but that was it. looking back at my humanities logo now I see the weak spots, where I let myself fall into patterns or being comfortable with my routine. I think that sometimes I just need to push myself so that instead of getting a good mark I could get a great mark. That's one of my weakness you know, being happy wiith mediocer.

As the year goes on things that really worry me worry me less and less. And this point I don't even really worry about getting along with new teamates because really absoulutley no one is completly impossible, everyone wants to to get along and make team assigments work. I just have to remeber to keep working a tthings that I'm not good at like, giving up control of an assignemt.

Well that's my big soul searching reflection, hope I didn't bore you too much.

1 comment:

  1. "absoulutley no one is completly impossible, everyone wants to to get along and make team assigments work" - and that's why Humanities is so great.

    The idea that sometimes you just have to move on is particularly thoughtful -- I also suggest clarifying, in your mind, which assignments require the most work (learning as opposed to assessment)

