I chose the song "Canada Is" by Micheal Mitchel for my song to represent Canadian Identity. Even though it s a childrens folk song it makes some good points about what it means to have a canadian identity.
Towards the start of the song "We have a voice that is calling, telling all the world we're willing." This uses a rhyme scheme to talk about how we are often willing to enage in battles that are not ours to help out a friend or a neighbour.Being willing to help out our neighbours gives us a reputaion as a carring country and helps to enforce our peace keeper title.
Michel makes a comment about how we nurture our children and then says "for our future's in their hands." This is a use of personification because it makes it sound like the future is an object that you can hold inyour hands. Canada is well known for it's strong education system which nutures the next generation. By working so hard to teach our children useful skills we bring scientist, artists, military leaders and other important figures into the next generation.
In the chourus he also mentions Canada's diverse landscapre. The different geographcial area's make up an important part of Canada's identity becuae many people chose to isit Canada because it has aspects that they have never seen before.
One of the verses mentions that we have peace in our cities and our valleys and we're happy with that. the fact that Canada can be a democratically run society with peace says a lot about the way that we strive to work together and find a balance. Our peace affects the world because it acts as an inspiration and allows us time to help other countries who aren't so lucky.
Thoughtful analysis of the song's ideas regarding identity, including mention of rhyme scheme. For future analytical writing, make sure you also identify literary devices like metaphor or symbolism that relate to the development of meaning.